Fast and high resolution T1-mapping protocol (B1-corrected) using standard vendor sequences on Siemens Magnetom Trio

Project Leader: Author: Bartosz Kossowski, Msc Eng.




There is much interest in T1-mapping techniques nowadays. You can find systematic review about T1 as a biomarker in neuroplasticity (Tardiff et. al 2015) and its applications in general (Cheng et. Al 2012). T1-maps:

  • present quantitative information about tissue property (eg. T1 correlates with myelination),

  • are bias-free and can be compared in longitudinal and inter-site studies,

  • can be used for many types of analyzes:

    • voxel based morphometry (more robust than T1-weighted MPRAGE)

    • voxel-wise group analyzes which can be also contrasted with other tissue properties eg. diffusion FA (Mezer et al. 2013) or multi parameter mapping techniques (Draganski et. Al 2011),

    • cortical myelination mapping (Sereno et. Al 2013).

Here I present the 1mm isotropic resolution imaging protocol and standard vendor (used by scanner service) protocol for B1 mapping. Scanning recipe and formulas are adapted from Preibisch's and Deichmann's paper (2009). Acquisition consists of:

  • 3D PD-weighted (low angle) gradient-echo scan

  • 3D T1-weighted (moderate angle) gradient-echo scan

  • B1 transmit field measurement using 2D STESE (stimulated echo to spin echo signals ratio)

Acquisition parameters are adjusted to gray and white matter values in 3T. Total scanning time is 16 min 19 s (no GRAPPA and no partial Fourier).
Click here to download acquisition protocol

In order to obtain NIFTI T1- and PD- maps You can use set of Matlab scripts. These scripts run in SPM's environment and were tested under SPM12 (SPM needs to be in Your Matlab paths).
Click here to download scripts and manual

If You find these protocols and scripts useful for Your project, please consider adding me to the list of contributors - Bartosz Kossowski, Msc Eng.